PGDCA WhatsApp Group Link

PGDCA stands for Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application. PGDCA course is of 1 year in which exam is taken in 1 year in many centers and exams are taken in 2 semesters at some places. PGDCA provides all the information about computer. Any student can get good knowledge about computer by doing PGDCA course. It is necessary to know about computer in present time because all the work is done in digital form.

If a person does a computer course, then he can become a teacher in a computer center and can work in any choice center. If you are a student of PGDCA or want to do PGDCA course and want to know before that. For those who are looking for any PGDCA WhatsApp group then for this we have shared PGDCA WhatsApp group link below. You can join the WhatsApp group through this link.

Active 90+ PGDCA WhatsApp Group Links

Visual BasicJoin Chat
Operating System Join Chat
Java ProgrammingJoin Chat
Java Programming 3Join Chat
Java Programming 2Join Chat
Java Programming 1Join Chat
HTML & CSSJoin Chat
Hacker GroupJoin Chat
CSE only for girlsJoin Chat
CSE only for Girls 2Join Chat
CSE | atnylaJoin Chat
Computer DesignJoin Chat
C++ LanguageJoin Chat
C++ language 3Join Chat
C++ Language 2Join Chat
C++ GroupJoin Chat
C ProgrammingJoin Chat
DCA Apps Guide and InstructionJoin Chat
C programming 3Join Chat
C Programming 2Join Chat
C Program বাংলা গ্রুপJoin Chat
Big data groupJoin Chat
Android -Programming BuddyJoin Chat

Rules for PGDCA WhatsApp group links

If you want to join PGDCA WhatsApp group then before that you have to follow some rules. About whom it is important to know. Only then you can take advantage of various types of information by staying in the PGDCA WhatsApp group for a long time.

  • Share only information related to PGDCA in the group.
  • Do not share any wrong information,
  • Follow the instructions of the group admin,
  • Respect all the members of the group.

How to join PGDCA WhatsApp group link

Below we have given some step by step procedure to join PGDCA WhatsApp group. You can join the PGDCA WhatsApp group by following the steps mentioned below.

  • Click on PGDCA Whatsapp Group Link,
  • After this you will be redirected to the WhatsApp group.
  • Click on John’s button,
  • After this you will successfully join the WhatsApp group.


To get information related to PGDCA, join PGDCA WhatsApp group, in this group you will get information related to PGDCA course daily and you can get many information about computer.

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